The Signature Entrepreneurial Educational Extravaganza in South Florida, comes again to Boca Raton on its third edition!


During National Entrepreneurship Week, Florida Atlantic Universitu (FAU) welcomes entrepreneurs, small business owners, partners, allies and representatives of the Economic Impact Ecosystem lead by HEI, coming together to share a day of learning, networking, Subject Matter Experts, Expert Panels, a Power Networking Lunch, a Pitch Competition, an awards Ceremony and a closing Happy Hour to celebrate the Spirit of Entrepreneurship.


8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration open

8:40 am - 8:55 am Welcome Remarks

9:00 am - 10:30 am (3 simultaneous sessions)

  • Workshop: "AI for Small Business and Entrepreneurs"
  • Panel: "Video Marketing for Business Growth"
  • Workshop: "Optimization of Sales Process" 

9:00 am - 10:30 am Special Session: Business Pitch Competition (Block A)

  • Diana Valenzuela - DV HR Solutions
  • Stephanie Buzano - CocoMar
  • Andrea Gutierrez - Spanish Academy
  • Verónica Quintero Urbina - UltiCoaching
  • Gabriela Chacón - DBP

10:45 am - 12:15 pm (3 simultaneous sessions)

  • Panel: "Access to Capital for Startups and Small Business"
  • Panel: "Acceso a Capital para Startups y Pequeños Negocios"
  • Panel: "Creating Lasting Brands"

10:45 am - 12:15 pm Special Session: Business Pitch Competition (Block B)

  • Heidi Rivera - Rimogrow
  • Nathaly Mora - Nathaly Mora Coaching
  • Johanna Pabón - El Club del Networking
  • Rosalba Sussman - Rosie's Artisan Baker

12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Transition to Owl's Perch

12:45 pm - 1:30 pm  Power Networking Lunch - Keynote 

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm "Empowering the American Dream" Awards Ceremony

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm CEO Masterclass "From Start-up to Scale Up"

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Spirit of Entrepreneurship Celebration - Happy Hour - Closing


Alex Price
Alex PriceMission Impact Strategies
Vicente Pimienta
Vicente PimientaGrow with Google FL
Jose Soto
Jose SotoBUILD Sales Coaching
Ana Cristina Blandón
Ana Cristina BlandónScotia Bank - ALPFA
Yulimar Trumbo
Yulimar TrumboHEI Florida
Randy Lebolo
Randy LeboloLebolo Contruction Management
Stacey Luces
Stacey LucesEvolution Executive Coaching
Daniel Betts
Daniel BettsBlue Frontier AC
Maribel Feliciano
Maribel FelicianoBroward OESBD
Althea Harris
Althea HarrisSBA
Phil Zeman
Phil ZemanSouthState Bank
Julie Joseph
Julie JosephPBCBBIC
Diana Ochoa
Diana OchoaGoodwill
Claudia Nichols
Claudia NicholsTu Comunidad Latina
Claudia Ruiz Levy
Claudia Ruiz LevyCRL Media
Emma Velez
Emma VelezAtlantikas
Andres Manjarres
Andres ManjarresMerrill Lynch
Elizabeth Irausquin
Elizabeth IrausquinPROSPERA
Carolina Lizano
Carolina LizanoJPMorganChase
Lesly Santiago
Lesly SantiagoBANESCO
Alexandra Rafferty
Alexandra RaffertyTV & Media Producer
Dan Nathanson
Dan NathansonThe Nathanson Brothers
Jennifer Jager
Jennifer JagerPlum Productions
Michael Nathanson
Michael NathansonThe Nathanson Brothers
Jimmy Chow
Jimmy ChowMastercard
Andrew Duffell
Andrew DuffellResearch Park @ FAU
Sarah Pearson
Sarah PearsonBoca Raton Chamber


DATE: Friday February 14th, 2025

TIME: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

VENUE: Florida Atlantic University

ADDRESS: FAU - Schmidt Family Complex for Athletic and Academic Excellence. 777 Glades Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33431



Florida Atlantic University
Memorial Healthcare System
Banco do Brasil Americas
Blue Frontier
Boca Raton Airport
Wells Fargo
Research Park at Florida Atlantic University
Broward Office of Economic and Small Business Development
BABCO Services
Falcon Farms


SCORE Palm Beach County
Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce
Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Hispanic Heritage Chamber of Commerce
Tu Comunidad Latina
The Boca Raton Tribune
Canal 57
City of Boca Raton - Economic Development